Drama Korea yang Ditonton di Tahun 2015


'Karena ulah reporter, bapak gue dituduh penjahat, emak gue bunuh diri, dan gue kepisah dari kakak gue. Sekarang, gue jadi reporter dan jatuh cinta sama 'keponakan' gue yang ternyata adalah anak kandung dari reporter yang udah ngehancurin keluarga gue.'

If you are a fan of Park Shin-hye or Lee Jong-suk (like meeehh), go watch Pinocchio.
If you love a romantic-comedy-revenge K-Drama (like meeehh), go watch Pinocchio.
If you love K-Drama 'I Hear Your Voice' (like meeehh), go watch Pinocchio.

If the ending was better than my expectation, I would give 5 stars for Pinocchio. But, the ending was just 'okay', so... Rate : 4 / 5 stars.

Marriage Not Dating

'Gue diputusin mantan kupret dengan seenaknya. Tapi gak apa sih, karena nanti temennya mantan gue, pegawainya mantan gue, dan mantan gue jadi naksir gue lagi kok. HAHAHA. Jadi yang harus gue pilih siapa ya?'

If you are looking for a romantic-super-duper-funny K-drama, go watch Marriage Not Dating.
If you are okay to watch K-Drama where there are not super-famous actors and actresses, go watch Marriage Not Dating.

Thank you for amusing K-drama, author-nim and especially Han-groo for being a super-funny-Joo-Jang-Mi. Rate : 4 / 5 stars.

School 2015: Who Are You?

'Gue memutuskan untuk bunuh diri setelah dibully sama temen sekolah gue yang agak sarap gitu deh. Loh.. Bukannya mati, gue malah amnesia dan ngegantiin posisi kembaran gue di sekolah lain. Dasar sial, si temen tukang bully gue ikut ke sekolah ini juga lagi! Mati deh.'

If you are looking for a K-Drama about bullying-in-the-school, go watch School 2015.
If you love a romantic K-Drama with TWO-super-handsome-lead-male, go watch School 2015.
If you are OKAY with a disappointed-ending (GUYS, I'VE WARNED YOU!) and fan of Nam Joo-hyuk, go watch School 2015.

I want to give 3 or 3.5 stars for this drama but after re-watched it and I love Kim So-hyun, so... Rate : 4 / 5 stars.

The Time We Were Not In Love

'Gue cewek 34 tahun, nasib cinta kok ya begini-begini amat? :( Untung gue punya sobat  cowok baik hati yang katanya siiiihh ga bakal pernah cinta sama gue. Pffft.'

If you are okay to watch K-Drama with slow-paced-plot, go watch The Time We Were Not in Love.
If you LOVE to see a SUPER-ROMANTIC K-Drama, you'll LOVE The Time We Were Not in Love.
If you are looking for a lovely-husband, i mean, a super-duper-kind-first-lead-male like Choi-won, go watch The Time We Were Not in Love.

Some people don't like this drama, BUT heeyyyy, I love it! Slow-paced-plot is okay for me, no-super-duper-cruel-villain is okay for me too. And how I can't fall in love with this drama when there is Choi-won who is kind-hearted and loves his girl so-so-so much?! HAH?!

Rate : 4.5 / 5 stars.

Oh My Ghost

'Gue bisa ngelihat hantu! Parahnya ada hantu centil yang masukkin tubuh gue dan malah ngegodain bos-slash-chef-terkenal-slash-cowok-idola-gue. Gue yang terkenal pemalu pun sekarang terkenal centil deh. Gak apa-apa deh, karena ujung-ujungnya cowok idola gue malah naksir gue balik. HAHAHA. Btw, ini hantu centil matinya kenapa sih?'

If you need a fresh-romantic-comedy K-Drama, go watch Oh My Ghost.
If you like to see a villain like Min Joon-guk from 'I Hear Your Voice', go watch Oh My Ghost.

Everyone likes O.M.G, I like it too but for me it's just 'okay'. Rate : 4 / 5 stars.

File:Cheer Up! (Korean Drama)-p1.jpg
Sassy Go Go

'Gue dan temen-temen gue anak klub dance sekaligus anak-anak bodoh di sekolah. Kita musuhan tuh sama si klub anak-anak pinter. Seolah ga cukup dimusuhin sama klub anak pinter, sekolah juga mau bubarin klub dance kita! Sial banget kan? Eh ditambah lagi ada cewek jahat (yang dulunya temen gue) yang makin nyusahin hidup gue aja! Sial, sial, sial!'

If you love to see a K-Drama about high-school students dealing with FRIENDSHIP, love, and cheerleading, go watch Sassy Go Go.
If you are looking for another cute-and-handsome rookie actor Lee Won-geun, go watch Sassy Go Go.

GO WATCH SASSY GO GO ASAP. It's really really goodddd! Me likeyyy.

Rate : 4.5 / 5 stars.

Kill Me, Heal Me

'Gue anak horang kaya tapi punya 7 kepribadian! Untung gue punya dokter pribadi yang akhirnya jadi cewek gue dan bersama-sama kita ngungkap masa lalu kita, yang ternyata penyebab gue punya 7 kepribadian.'

'Is this drama really good?'
'I'm not sure.'
'But the main-lead is an ahjussi who has married. Pffft'

ASDFGHJKL... JUST WATCH KILL ME, HEAL ME, FOR GOD'S SAKE! One of the best K-Drama I've watched in 2015!

Rate : 4.5 / 5 stars.

She Was Pretty

'Dulu gue cantik. Tapi pas dewasa gini gue jadi jelek banget :( Yaudah deh gue ngumpet aja dari cinta pertama gue yang sekarang ganteng banget. Lah, kok ujung-ujungnya sohib gue yang naksir cinta pertama gue?!'

If you are so sad now, go watch She Was Pretty. You will find so-many-lol-moments here.
If you are okay to see a K-Drama with no-super-cruel-villain, go watch She Was Pretty.

I think S.W.P is the funniest K-Drama I've ever watched. But episodes 9-15 are a little-bit-boring. It's okay though.

Rate : 4 / 5 stars.

The Village: Achiara's Secret

'Gue balik ke Korea setelah nenek gue meninggal. Rencananya sih gue mau nyari kakak angkat gue di Desa Achiara. Di hari pertama gue di sini, gue nemuin mayat, yang ternyata adalah mayat kakak gue. Bersama polisi muda-berbakat-tapi-rada-oon, gue mencari siapa pembunuh kakak gue. LAH TAPI INI SEMUA ORANG KOK MENCURIGAKAN SIK?'

If you are looking for mystery-thriller-horror K-Drama (WITHOUT romance too), go watch Achiara's Secret.
If you are okay to see a disappointed-ending, go watch Achiara's Secret.

This is the first mystery-thriller K-Drama with no-romance I've seen before. Not so bad. I would give a better rating if the story is more acceptable and the ending wasn't like that. Uggghhh.

Rate : 3 / 5 stars.

Splash Splash Love

'ARGH, GUE STRES KARENA BESOK MAU UJIAN TAPI GUE BEGO. Udah deh, gue mohon-mohon supaya bisa ngilang. Lah beneran ngilang gue nih. Buset, sampe ke jaman Joseon gini. Untung ada raja ganteng, gapapa deh.'

If you want to watch a mini k-drama (just 2 episodes), go watch Splash Splash Love.
If you are looking for a sweet-and-funny K-Drama, Splash Splash Love is the right choice for you.

There are only 2 episodes but this drama is so damn gooooodddd. You must watch this drama for sure!

Rate: 4.5 /5 stars.


So, those are K-Dramas I've watched in 2015. Not so many, but it's okay. Sorry for my grammar (sok-sokan pake bahasa enggres ceritanye). I hope this review can help you to decide what dramas you'd love to see.


Peace, love, and gawl.


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